Thursday, February 2, 2012


sometimes girls get in those semi-depressed moods where all they can do is think about everything that is wrong with them.  they have a pity party [with friends or by themselves] and try to justify why they don't have a guy, but it usually ends up with them crying and thinking "why aren't i good enough for anyone?".  unfortunately, lst sunday was one of those days.

here are the facts:
- i'm 20 years old.
- i've never had a boyfriend.
- i don't think i've ever been on a date.
- and i just feel as if everyone around me is experiencing love or something like love [called like-love].  however, i know that's not true because many of my friends are in the same boat as i am [the non-love boat].

having never had a boyfriend or been asked out on a date, sometimes i can't help but ask myself "what's wrong with me?"  sometimes i wonder what i don't have that other girls with boyfriends apparently do.  sometimes [like sunday] i just get in an "i really would like a man in my life, please" mood.  is that too much to ask?

then i pray and realize that this is a test of patience [because i used to have no patience whatsoever] and that someone, someday, will be placed in my life and i'll realize why it never worked out with anyone else.  blah blah blahhhh.
i think i'm going to have a date with a chocolate bar.

xoxo ollie, the hopeless romantic

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