Tuesday, February 21, 2012

oh my gosh

"oh my gosh.  shut up.  that is the most darling outfit EVER." - traci ream

i do look pretty cute, don't i?  

xoxo size 10 ollie

it's a special day...

ladies and few gentlemen, it's a very special day.  21 years ago my friend cameron was born.  cam and i met our first semester of freshman year in college [he was my friend mike's roommate].  now it's my 6th semester of college.  cam has moved on to bigger and better [and warmer] things.  he is currently living in hawaii as a jet ski guide, so i no longer get to see him multiple times a day and help him pass math108.  i'm still living in rexburg idaho barely passing my accounting classes. [just kidding, mom]  but in-between then and now, we have developed an amazing friendship.  i'm honored to call that stud of a man one of best friends.

this is a picture from the first time i met him.  gahl, he was such a lady killer.

and here's a more recent picture of us.  me a lot cuter than the first time he met me and him mustache-less.

cam, you're the best.  from our gratitude talks to my late night venting sessions that always turn into me bawling on the phone to the conversations that occur between us [i swear, if someone has those recorded we're screwed] to the memories from freshman year to the [many more] memories that the future holds, thank you for everything.  happy birthday, kid. 

xoxo happy ollie

Monday, February 13, 2012


can i get an amen!?

oh, happy day!

first things first, let me apologize for the recent semi-negative and pessimistic posts.  i was feeling down on myself [but i'm a girl and that's what we do best] and i felt like having a public pity party.  but negative nancy i am no more and optimistic ollie back!

here's why my week [thus far] rocks:
[1] i read my scriptures and said a little prayer last night [and boy, what a difference that can make!]
[2] i woke up to a wonderful surprise in my e-mail box -- a letter from Aldste Hart!  a really good family friend, who my family and i have grown up with, is on a mission in sweden.  he has been gone for about 7 months [only 17 more to go!!] and he is missed dearly.  jack is preaching the gospel of jesus christ of latter day saints to those lucky swedes.  he is allowed to e-mail his family once a week on his p-day.  i have been getting his e-mails every week from the start of his mission and they always brighten my day.  jackson hart is an amazing individual who has such a strong spirit and testimony.  getting back to my original point-- i wrote him a brief e-mail last night because i hadn't heard from him in awhile and when i woke up this morning, i was more than overjoyed to hear from my friend!  what a perfect way to start a perfect day of a perfect week!
[3] on my trek to my doctrine in covenants class, i was fortunate enough to cross paths with one of my many friends, scott hulme.  he is the lucky feller who gets to travel with me in europe for 3 1/2 weeks on that european humanities tour i told y'all about many moons ago.  it was lovely to see him.
[4] i got an 81% on my cost accounting test.  yes, it was a miracle of miracles.  i am extremely elated with this grade.
[5] i've finished most of my intermediate financial accounting homework for tomorrow!  after FHE i get to go to the gym!

i hope tomorrow is as good as today!

and here it is-- the picture update.  karrie and kim always make fun of me for my poses [there are about 4 of them], so i have to make up new ones.

advice for the day: BE HAPPY!  why be a miserable pessimist when you have a wonderful life filled with people who love you?!

xoxo ollie the optimist

Thursday, February 2, 2012


sometimes girls get in those semi-depressed moods where all they can do is think about everything that is wrong with them.  they have a pity party [with friends or by themselves] and try to justify why they don't have a guy, but it usually ends up with them crying and thinking "why aren't i good enough for anyone?".  unfortunately, lst sunday was one of those days.

here are the facts:
- i'm 20 years old.
- i've never had a boyfriend.
- i don't think i've ever been on a date.
- and i just feel as if everyone around me is experiencing love or something like love [called like-love].  however, i know that's not true because many of my friends are in the same boat as i am [the non-love boat].

having never had a boyfriend or been asked out on a date, sometimes i can't help but ask myself "what's wrong with me?"  sometimes i wonder what i don't have that other girls with boyfriends apparently do.  sometimes [like sunday] i just get in an "i really would like a man in my life, please" mood.  is that too much to ask?

then i pray and realize that this is a test of patience [because i used to have no patience whatsoever] and that someone, someday, will be placed in my life and i'll realize why it never worked out with anyone else.  blah blah blahhhh.
i think i'm going to have a date with a chocolate bar.

xoxo ollie, the hopeless romantic

the grass isn't greener.

do you ever think to yourself "wow, i wish i had [insert name here]'s life?"  

sometimes we look at someone's life and think that they have it all -- the perfect combination of everything.  it's hard not to compare yourself to others because you know you fall short in so many ways.

ladies and gentlemen, the grass isn't always greener on the other side.  no matter how perfect someone may seem [or how perfect their life may sound], there's always something that they're struggling with.  that is a FACT.  i had a friend say to me, "gahl, ali, i wish i was just like you." [yes, someone really said that to me.]  the first thing i did when i heard that was bust up laughing.  because how could anyone on planet nebuloid [and earth with its 7 billion+ people] find MY life better than theirs?  sometimes we get caught up in our own drama [or self-absorbed in pity party after pity party] and fail to realize that our lives are perfect with their imperfectness.  honestly, the only reason person B thinks person A has a better life than them is because of person A's over-exaggerated and over-dramatized portrayal of their life and lifestyle.

luan legacy sums up my thoughts perfectly.  don't watch this video if swearing offends you easily.

people, LOVE YOURSELF!!!  love yourself so that others can love you! because how can you expect someone to love you if you don't even love you?

xoxo Ollie