Sunday, September 4, 2011


happiness means something different to everyone.  this being said, i decided to ask some of the people that matter most to me in this world what happiness means to them.  [there are a lot of people that fit into this category, but i couldn't reach all of you.  i apologize.]

my personal definition of happiness : happiness is trying on size 8 pants [when you thought you were a 10] and having them fitting perfectly.  <-- true story.  i am now a size 8.  thank you very much.

annie adams : "happiness is when you feel like there are little light bugs jumping around in your tummy, heart, and head, and when you feel like you are in control of your life, you like where you are at, and have nothing but bright hopes for your future."

kimberly turlay : happiness.  sushi.  adele.  in n out shakes.

miss hailey sasine, director of camp twitch and shout : "happiness is working towards goals, and making steps in the right direction to achieve them."

stephanie halversen, who i always rely on for blunt, sarcastic humor : "happiness is having someone to tie my shoes when i don't feel like bending over."

i couldn't have said it any better myself.

xx ALi

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