Thursday, February 2, 2012

the grass isn't greener.

do you ever think to yourself "wow, i wish i had [insert name here]'s life?"  

sometimes we look at someone's life and think that they have it all -- the perfect combination of everything.  it's hard not to compare yourself to others because you know you fall short in so many ways.

ladies and gentlemen, the grass isn't always greener on the other side.  no matter how perfect someone may seem [or how perfect their life may sound], there's always something that they're struggling with.  that is a FACT.  i had a friend say to me, "gahl, ali, i wish i was just like you." [yes, someone really said that to me.]  the first thing i did when i heard that was bust up laughing.  because how could anyone on planet nebuloid [and earth with its 7 billion+ people] find MY life better than theirs?  sometimes we get caught up in our own drama [or self-absorbed in pity party after pity party] and fail to realize that our lives are perfect with their imperfectness.  honestly, the only reason person B thinks person A has a better life than them is because of person A's over-exaggerated and over-dramatized portrayal of their life and lifestyle.

luan legacy sums up my thoughts perfectly.  don't watch this video if swearing offends you easily.

people, LOVE YOURSELF!!!  love yourself so that others can love you! because how can you expect someone to love you if you don't even love you?

xoxo Ollie

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