Sunday, September 16, 2012


greetings from rexico, blog stalkers.  i am back for my 7th semester and i have to say that this semester is definitely looking to be the best one yet.  i will give you a summary of my past week [i can't believe it's only been a week...] in pictures.

this is my [beautiful, if i do say so myself] photo wall that makes me feel like i have all my friends and family with me right here in rex.
before school started our new friend janelle invited us to a bonfire.  squeezing 6 people into a truck actually wasn't all that bad.
 this is my first day of school outfit.  the only thing that would make this picture complete is if i was holding a handmade sign that said "first day of senior year of college"
 logan and i semi matched on day 1 with our white tees and blue jeans :]
 i still feel very proud that i picked out this outfit all by myself.  it even won sister erika's approval.
we survived our first week of school! back to school block party with some exceptionally good music and some exceptionally good friends.

slightly obsessed with this dress.  only slightly...
this is my little freshman roommate, brooke.  i call her my freshturd [it's okay, she laughs]. it's her first semester in rexico and she is definitely fitting in very well.  i help her with her math and she contributes her sarcasm and wit to the party.  definitely love her.

so this semester is definitely looking to be a great one!  probably going to be the hardest semester i will ever have [yay for intermediate financial accounting part 2] but i will try to enjoy it every step of the way!

xoxo stressball ollie

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