dear 212 pound ali -- you made it. you finally made it. you are now 55 pounds lighter and you love life. i think it's safe to say that you are the happiest you've ever been. you're currently on 5 pills a day instead of 25. you now exude confidence. people who haven't seen you in a few years can't stop marveling at how different you look. they keep commenting on how you just radiate happiness. can you believe that your favorite food isn't a chicken quesadilla from baja fresh anymore? can you believe that you don't wear a size 16 pants or an XXL shirt?? i'm here to tell you that you can do it. you are extremely capable of losing the weight. one day something will finally click in you -- a switch will flip in your brain and you will start on the journey to your new life. ali, don't give up on yourself. people have made fun of you for being obese all of your life and now you've finally gotten rid of that awful label. always remember that others will love you no matter what you weigh, but can i just say that it's so much more fun to be skinny? that being said, stop sneaking food while sue is out doing errands and get off your lazy butt and make a change. one day in the near future, you will realize that you love exercise. take that love and run with it [literally]. eat only when hungry. sleep only when necessary. laugh all the damn time. put the past behind you -- it's in the past for a reason. become the person you've always dreamed of becoming before it's too late. the life you've always wanted to live CAN become a reality if you really want it to. stay strong, ollie. i have faith that you can do it.
Have you ever laughed and cried at the same time? Not crying from laughter, but two separate events occurring at the same time? Last night I had a lot of both.
For some reason, I was having a bad night. I was grumpy, emotional, and just feeling down about myself. I texted my best friend Kim. She responded with the most amazing text, and I am going to hang it in my room. Our conversation went as follows :
A : "I'm just feeling so worthless. It's like my self esteem took a leap out of a 22 story building and left me feeling so vulnerable." K : "That's weird. Good thing your parachute deployed showing how beautiful, funny, classy, sophisticated, spiritual, caring, loving, contagious, empowering, motivating, giving, and sooo many more things you are. Go look at your picture of you in a bikini or a really cute outfit. Go read some of your jokes you have written down. Read your patriarchal blessing. Look at all your friends. Sleep in your size 8 jeans. Dance naked. Smile. Then if your self esteem doesn't come back, remember that you are my best friend who has helped me through more stuff that you know and I think you are perfect just the way you are. I love you!"
I started laughing, and then I cried. I cried because I love her and I know she loves me. I cried because even thought she said all of those kind things, I haven't accepted them. I cried because I have been extremely blessed to have such amazing people in my life.
I'm usually a pretty optimistic person. I love people so much. When people don't reciprocate my love, I feel angry. I feel frustrated. I feel worthless. But then I realize that the people who give me what I give them are the true friends you want to keep around for eternity. They are my angels that God sent to help me in this life.
There are certain people who get you. They completely understand where you're coming from and why you are the way you are. I am so fortunate to have multiple people who encompass the qualities of a true friend. They love me for the quirky, awkward person I am. They love me even when I don't love myself. They are sad when I'm sad, happy when I'm happy, and overwhelmed when I'm overwhelmed. They are my boosters. They keep me going. They are the people who truly listen because they have genuine interest in what I have to say. They are the people who randomly give me compliments because they know that's how I feel loved. They are the people who stay up til the wee hours of the morning talking with me because they care. I am SO BLESSED to have such amazing angels in my life. You know who you are.
hi. i'm ali mahterian. it's 2:17 in the morning and i was just thinking about how much i want a hand to hold. is that weird? i just really like holding people's hands [especially boys]. i personally think it's one of the best things ever. that's really all i want right now.